We aim to launch an experimental program model in Hungary, a school where children with multiple or severe-multiple disabilities can learn together with their peers; and where we emphasize not only the importance of traditions, but also the use of the opportunities that the technologies of the 21th century provide.
In September 2018 we started an inclusive study group. During the first school term we created the methods that allow children with different educational needs to learn together. From the second term we promote our school by organizing community programs and cultural events. We would also like to provide opportunities for other students to join our school as well as the framework to operate as an official school.
Innovation in Project Idea – Novelty
The inclusive school tackles the gaps in the education of children with multiple (and severe-multiple) disabilities, but due to our focus on developing talent, the knowledge, skills and strengths of typically developing children also greatly improve. We are creating a type of institution that does not yet exist in Hungary and in the future it can serve as a model for other schools as well. Inclusive schools already exist and proved to be successful in other European countries.
Innovation in Accessing Target Groups – Involvement
When developing the school, the daily schedule and the curriculum we pay attention to the needs of the individual students as well as the community. Its implementation is based on the cooperation of students, teachers and parents, thus the children (including children with severe-multiple disabilities) can become active participants of society and can spend their days in a supportive community.
Innovation in the Realization of the Project – Effectiveness
Innovative method: the educational tools are developed according to the individual needs of the students, for instance, the children use notebooks with larger spacing, or due to their differences in sight during the same exercise one of them uses a tablet, the second student a smartphone, while the third one a laptop. The exercises are also differentiated thus ensuring that all of them can develop their talents, but the students with greater need for support can join the given exercise as well. With the help of computer programs and ICT tools they can get to know a kind of “extended reality” while completing their tasks – with this method we ensure an effective motivation for learning as well as individualized environment.
For more information, visit the website of the School of Tomorrow or follow us on Facebook!